Earlier the only biggest hurdle for computing was that---->>> the bus speed was less than processing speed. Its like you can assimilate food faster but you aren’t able to eat fast.!! . But thats in the past and we’ve moved on....
Soon ..... or in the near future. Your computer is gonna have only few things a network adapter and a super fast web browser capable of doing so much more than even FireFox 3.5.Yeah folks!! Firefox 3.5 is out. Trust me i have tried candidate copies and the alpha versions... this is first step into the future. Firefox is already started work on namoroka. For info on namaroka https://wiki.mozilla.org/Firefox/Namoroka.
Ok back to the point..... just imagine a mobile/game-pod/music-player...or anything that has a screen and capable of doing 4th grade mathematics can do all that you wanna do in your computer. All with just a browser ....any everything from hard disk access and all the moro lunatic computing achievement made by man can be done at the server side .and only the output brought to you . MIND BLOWING! I kknow....but hold on folks there is a key link ...yeah !! the actually link between server and client! .. To make this possible we definitely require a huge bandwith. I’m not talking about 3G fellas...... bigger better and all superlatives of that!! I’m talking about network speeds ranging from GBps to TBps!
But once this becomes reality client machine will get smaller and dumber and cheaper ..while server will have to become smarter . .
But here is the catch. Servers becomes the focus point now. The whole architecture of server-side computing need to re-thought. We’ll have to wait and watch how that happens.
While we are waiting and before money crazy uncle scrooge takes up interest in this. We have to build a better open-source environment that can make this possible.
As of now web browsers can do a lot of things . RIA(rich internet application) have become reality. WEB2.0 is gaining momentum. Desktops application will soon be history. RIA’s are gonna be the future. With all this happening web browsers have become more than just another application to access mail or watch videos. Well all this said are they gonna be the future of computing? I hope so and i bet on it. how ? read the bottom line
So the bottom line (literally)... open source is gonna be the only way to harness human brilliance. Way to go firefox!!!...
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